Video iPod

original white version of the digital music
player has been upgraded, and now features
a bigger screen and a thinner casing. The
new iPod will be available in either black or
white and customers will have a choice of 30
or 60 GB of storage. The video-playing
gadget follows Apple's development of the
iPod shuffle, mini and nano. Announcing the
new product, Apple boss Steve Jobs said that
the company has sold more than 28 million
iPods since their launch in 2001 and that
more than one million iPod nanos were sold
in the first 17 days they were available.
The 30 GB version of the video playing
gadget should cost $299 and the 60GB
will be available for $399. The 40 GB model has been discontinued. A 30
GB model can hold about 7,500 songs, 25,000 photos, or 75 hours of
video. Both 30GB and 60GB models will feature a 2.5 inch color screen
that is 320 by 240 pixels in size and will be thinner than the existing 20
GB iPod. Over 2,000 music videos will be available through the iTunes
store, at a price of £1.89 each.US television company ABC are planning to
let customers purchase episodes of shows for $1.99, which will be
available the day after broadcast. Movie-making tools that Apple bundles
in with Quicktime 7 Pro will be compatible with the new video iPods.
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