Cheaper AMD Athlon 64 X2

AMD has broadened its dual-core technology base with the addition of
the new, cheaper dual-core CPU - the AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+, which
enables users to experience dual-core computing on their desktop PCs at
mainstream prices.
AMD's Athlon 64 X2 processors considerably enhance the power of the
desktop by employing dual-core technology. The new AMD Athlon 64 X2
will provide users the ability to multi-task efficiently, so that they can
write e-mails, listen to MP3s and create digital content simultaneously in
a shorter span of time. The AMD Athlon 64 X2 will also facilitate superior
performance through the spread of multi-threaded applications, from the
server to consumer and client markets. In effect, the new processor from
AMD will offer users excellent dual-core computing capacities across
wider ranges of performance and price.
The new AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core processor 3800+ is currently
priced at $354 per unit for 1,000 units.
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