Studio 8 from Micromedia

design and development tool. Dreamweaver 8
provides updated visual layout tools, application
development features and code editing support,
which should help designers and developers to
create standards-based sites and applications
more quickly and efficiently. The software is
available as a stand-alone product or as a
component of Macromedia's Studio 8, which
also includes Flash Professional 8, Fireworks 8,
Contribute 3, and FlashPaper 2.
Dreamweaver 8 has features like enhanced support for XML and
Extensible Style Sheet Language Transformations (XSLT), drag-and
-drop integration of XML data feeds, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) layout
visualization and easier incorporation of Flash Video content.
Flash Professional 8 includes features such as; script editor, new
animation controls, new graphics effects capabilities, flash video features,
workflow integration, FlashType font rendering engine, support for
building content for mobile devices, new custom easing tool etc.
Fireworks 8 allows developers and designers to create over 25 new blend
modes and interactive CSS pop-up menus, plus facilitates integration with
Flash Professional 8 and Dreamweaver 8. Macromedia has also
announced the availability of the beta of Macromedia Flash Player 8,
which is the next version of the Flash Player client runtime. Macromedia
Studio 8 is expected to ship in September, at $999 for a full license and
$399 for an upgrade.
For additional information, visit .
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