8-Megapixel CMOS Sensor

Micron announced it will be the first company to market an 8-megapixel CMOS image sensor that is the same size as most image chips used in digital cameras on the market. The new chip also will enable digital cameras to shoot at 30 frames per second and take video that can be played on high-definition television. Micron was able to produce the 8-megapixel chip because it reduced its pixel size to 1.75 microns. Most companies use 2.2-micron pixels to make image sensors now and so are much larger in size.
Because of its high resolution, the sensor captures large, crisp pictures (11-inch by 14-inch) or can be used to zoom-in and print just a portion of the image without sacrificing image quality.
Micron expects to begin mass producing the new chip in the first quarter of 2007. Additional information about Micron Imaging can be found at http://www.micron.com/products/imaging .